Benefits of Drinking 2 Litres of Water a Day

Water is essential for every single cell and every biological process in our body. Let’s look at 6 functions of water in the body and the major benefits of optimal hydration, backed up by solid evidence. Drinking more water will:

Improve your mood and boost your energy:

Next time you feel dull or tired, drink a glass (or two) of fresh water. This study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, confirmed that dehydration can impair your mood, concentration, and workout motivation. And consider drinking energy-boosting morning teas for an additional kick.

Losing as little as 1% of body mass was enough to trigger these changes. Optimal hydration during exercise will protect you from DNA damage, reduce your fatigue, and even prevent anxiety.

Prevent headaches and migraines:

Dehydration often hides as an underlying cause of headaches. According to new evidence, it can even trigger migraines. This paper from the journal Headache recognizes a water-deprivation headache as a common condition.

According to these findings, dehydration impacts our brain and causes headaches, irritability, and poor concentration. No surprise, since our brain is about 75% water.

Help you lose weight:

Struggling with extra pounds? Add this powerful tool to your diet protocol instead of consuming expensive (and often useless) supplements and appetite suppressants. Researchers have found that 'drinking 500 ml of water increased metabolic rate by 30%'

Another study confirmed this amazing effect of drinking water – subjects who drank 500 ml of water before each meal lost nearly 50% more weight than those who didn’t.

Detox your body:

Water literally flushes out the toxins from our bodies. It should flow through you all the time and remove the bad stuff as you sweat, urinate, and go “number-two.” Drinking more water prevents constipation and kidney stone formation, and helps your skin, kidneys, and digestive system do their jobs!

Reduce the risk of cancer:

It’s not just hype – studies have confirmed that proper hydration can actually protect you from different types of cancer. When exposed to carcinogens, people who drank more water had up to 60% less chance of getting a bladder cancer. One study showed even greater benefits for colorectal cancer prevention.

Improve Your Complexion

Proper hydration will not only keep you healthy and energized- but it will also make you prettier. When you drink enough water, your skin looks and feels soft and rejuvenated, and your hair becomes healthier and more lustrous. You can start this free beauty treatment right away.

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